Scales are basically a row of notes, starting on one note (for example C) and ending on the next higher C.
This space form one C to the next is called an octave.
Scales on a guitar can be one, two or three octaves long.
2 octave C major scale
2 octave C major scale
There are many different scale types. Each of these scales has a unique sound. Some of the scale types are: pentatonic, minor, natural minor, and harmonic minor.
For now we will only study the major scales. Each scale type has it’s own formula. The formula for the major scale is: The distance from one note to the next is one whole step (2 frets), except from the 3rd to 4th note and from the 7th to the 8th note, where the distance is one half step (one fret).
Example: C major scale